
productivity, organization Heather Johnson productivity, organization Heather Johnson

How to organize & restock your fridge

The best way to organize and restock your fridge.

#1 Go ahead and go grocery shopping - that way you have healthy food to restock with after you do your clean out. If you need fresh ideas I’ve got 5 days of healthy recipes for an easy healthy meal prep for you. Including healthy breakfasts!

#2 EMPTY IT. Check expiration dates and wipe down the shelves (I had to remove one of mine because of a spill I didn’t see before). Wash out drawers.

#3 Reload. Stock full of all your healthy food. Bonus points if you go ahead and chop your healthy snacks like zucchini, squash and strawberries.

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Heather Johnson Heather Johnson

How to Find Calm in a Transition Month

August feels like the ultimate transition month. School is headed back into session thus bringing changes in schedules but the weather still tells us its summer and WAYYYY too soon to be breaking out the fall decorations.

  • Clean out.

This doesn't mean a major house overhaul but tackling one drawer or one closet can help you feel grounded and mentally clearer.

  • Fresh start.

A change in schedule is the ultimate time for a fresh workout routine. If you are ready for something fresh that’s 20min a day and combines physical and mental wellness this workout is for you (and its what I am personally doing).

  • Focus on one thing at a time.

Nothing makes us feel more scattered then trying to do 10 things at once. Sure , we may get interrupted 5 times by tiny humans or by the work phone ringing but if you can stay singularly focused on one task at a time you will feel more calm, present and productive.

  • Keep a running list.

Sometimes we can feel "so busy" when we have thought "and don't want to forget" one thing, five times. I keep a note on my phone of the running list of things I need to do. That way if my 3 year old is independent playing for 5 minutes then I jump to that list and see what I can knock off. This also works wonders when you have a break at work or during the kiddos nap times. Instead of grabbing your phone and immediately going to instagram you are checking your list and see what can be knocked out. Out of your brain and "on paper" reduces mental clutter.

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